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What does an A+  A Tutorials' Individual Education Program (IEP) offer?
As the + or PLUS in our name suggests, our specialised tuition programs offer more.  We awaken students to an understanding and appreciation of their unique learning style. Students begin to develop skills that take them beyond their natural ability, empowering them to take control of their own learning.

Universities recognise our contribution to the education field. The learning we offer reflects an appreciation in research and development that ensures we offer innovative, progressive concepts to benefit a child's ongoing learning skills.
We provide a positive and friendly learning atmosphere and importantly, a fresh start, in the home or at our offices. This is critical for students who may have lost confidence in their abilities. We offer an environment for positive attitudes and for focus on the development of new skills and strategies. Outcomes are often evident within a short period: renewed self-confidence and the desire and motivation for classroom participation and higher results. 
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How do we pay the tutor?
Most families pay the tutor in cash at the end of each session. The tutor can provide an official receipt if required.
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How soon can A+  A Tutorials provide a tutor?
We endeavour to have a tutor telephone you within 24 hours, to arrange a mutually convenient time for the first session to begin in your home.
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Can I review my previous sessions?
Yes.  Tutors keep weekly records so informed discussion about previous sessions is possible.
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Should we feel that the tutor provided by 
A+  A Tutorials is not the right match, can you provide a replacement tutor?

Yes. We maintain a register of qualified teachers in most suburbs. We have teachers who are qualified to teach primary and secondary subjects.

It is very rare that we cannot supply a suitable tutor.

What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
We recommend commitment to weekly tuition from the commencement of the academic year to enable best results in assignments, tests and exams.  In addition, we offer short-term tutoring and even single tutorials depending on the student's need.
Contact us on mobile: 0431 283 999 or email at:
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